Working with infrastructure and resources companies to build social license to operate for projects, elevate social performance and strengthen the 'social' in ESG.
Review. Strategy. Advisory.

Blue Tonic Managing Principal, Annie, is a seasoned strategist and advisor to companies seeking to better connect with their stakeholders and lean in to their social responsibilities, so that they can operate with less drama, have greater social impact, and ultimately create a legacy everyone can be proud of.

Here's how we can work together.

Social Review

Are you wondering what you should or could be doing in terms of social performance, stakeholder engagement and community relations? If what you are doing will be enough in the future? How it compares with other companies or industry standards and best practices?

These are good, important questions, and I’d be happy to help you answer them.

My social reviews for companies and assets/projects are tailored to answer your ‘big question’ and involve a quasi-audit of your social interface and related policies, procedures, plans and other documentation. I use my broad technical knowledge and experience together with an in-depth understanding of legislative requirements, industry standards and leading practice to provide high-level insights and recommendations to strengthen your approach.

Social License Health Check

Its no secret that projects and operations benefit greatly from a level of acceptance or informal permission from local communities. Requirements to earn and keep this ‘social license’ can seem intangible, uncertain and fluid… and become a major source of social risk if overlooked.

A high-level, stakeholder-centric ‘health check’ of your social license to operate for an asset or project is designed to strengthen your approach by highlighting gaps and potential issues, identifying areas of risk and opportunity, and uncovering strategic priorities.

My Social License Health Check Framework© draws on academic research, thought leadership, industry standards and best practices – combined with stakeholder insights and 17+ years of on-the-ground experience.

You’ll come away better understanding the aspects of your social license to operate, opportunities to improve, and be clear and confident on how to move forward.

Impactful Social and Stakeholder Strategy

Great social performance and stakeholder relations is underpinned by a strategic and values-driven approach.

I’ll work alongside you to quickly and collaboratively develop high-impact strategy for:

  • Social license to operate: Social governance, engagement and communication to build community tolerance or acceptance for projects/assets
  • Stakeholder engagement: Seeking input from people and communities to inform decision making
  • Social issue management: Addressing or responding to a particular societal problem or concern.

Impactful strategy is stakeholder-centric, evidence-based, risk-informed, outcomes-focused and implementable.

I firmly believe strategy development is best done with you, not for you… so expect a partnership approach. I’ll bring the framework, techniques, insights and energy, you bring the requirements, corporate knowledge and stakeholder experience… and together we’ll prepare your strategy, stat.

Social Advisory

I work with select clients on a regular basis in an advisory capacity to help them achieve a short or longer term goal for their company, asset or project.

As your independent social advisor, you can lean on me for strategic guidance, technical leadership, industry insights, peer support, and actionable advice and know-how to help you confidently tackle the societal challenges and opportunities you’re facing now and in the future.

I often work with clients on:

  • Identifying and managing social risks and social impacts
  • Responding to contentious social or stakeholder issues
  • Moving beyond ‘compliance’ and ‘mitigation’ toward best-practice
  • Building and maintaining social license to operate
  • Engaging with communities to build relationships and trust, solve problems, make better decisions and/or create shared value
  • Stakeholder and community strategy, program design, monitoring and evaluation
  • Social management systems
  • Stakeholder governance and stakeholder-centric organisational culture
  • Understanding and strengthening the social pillar of ESG (Environment, Social and Governance).
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